14 Aug EX-IQ’s NoteCast is at Podcast Movement 2019
The podcast community is vast, growing, and thriving. Podcast Movement, which started in 2014, is a yearly podcast conference. This year, EX-IQ’s NoteCast team is at Podcast Movement.
A Busy Summer for EX-IQ and NoteCast
EX-IQ has had a busy summer.
From being named a member of the 2019 Alexa Accelerator Class, to participating in the Outlier Podcast Festivals in July and the coming months we’ve been busy! Needless to say, it’s been an exciting time for this young tech company.
Now, we’re excited to be attending our 1st ever Podcast Movement in Orlando, Florida.
What is Podcast Movement?
In short, Podcast Movement is everything podcasts. Podcasters and the general podcast community collide. Attendees go to trainings and informative panels, and have unique opportunities to network. There’s even time for some fun. All of these activities cultivate a greater sense of community.
Through learning and collaboration, many attendees come out of Podcast Movement with a greater sense of direction and a newfound understanding of this quickly expanding industry. Additionally, many gain a more insightful perspective of the host-to-listener pipeline.
What is NoteCast Doing at Podcast Movement?
At Podcast Movement this year, our goal is to network with podcasters. We are focused on expanding our Partner Program, which provides podcasters with free transcripts of their episodes and never-before-available insights into their listeners.
With NoteCast, listeners can capture snippets of podcast conversations and save them forever as digital notes.
The NoteCast Partner Program shows podcasters exactly what their listeners are capturing, enabling them to cater their future content to specific areas of interest.
NoteCast is the podcast player that actually understands the many hurdles podcasters face, and we want to help facilitate their podcast’s success.
If you’re attending Podcast Movement 2019 and want to learn more about our exclusive Partner Program, request a meeting with Rachel Noall, of EX-IQ, through the Podcast Movement app. She’d be happy to sit down and speak with you!