These Top Podcasts are Attracting New Podcast Listeners

top podcasts

These Top Podcasts are Attracting New Podcast Listeners

There are so many podcasts. With the influx of amazing podcasters, innovative content, and the constant improvement of existing shows, more people are becoming dedicated podcast listeners. What are the top podcasts for new listeners, though? It’s time to gear up your podcast player with these 6 shows.

What Makes a Good Podcast for New Podcast Listeners?

Those who are new to the podcast medium are seeking approachable and valuable content. New podcast listeners are just being exposed to the value of podcasts, so they might not try something too niche. That being said, many listeners want informative content, personable hosts, and the opportunity to learn a thing or two. Under this loose criteria, we’ve selected a few top podcasts for new podcast listeners.

Stuff You Should Know

This podcast is for anyone who is genuinely interested in learning random and cool things. Charles Bryant and Josh Clark are the hosts, and they cover everything from historical events, to machinery, to things you’ve never heard of. Regardless, they’re entertaining, and make even complicated topics feel approachable. This is probably one of the reasons why so many new podcast listeners start with Stuff You Should Know.

The Daily

Created by the New York Times and hosted by political journalist Michael Barbaro, The Daily is a reliable source of news. Rather than be bombarded with ads from the radio to hear the morning news, The Daily provides podcast listeners with a 20-minute segment of the most important news updates.

Ted Talks Daily

Ted Talks began in 1990 and have grown in popularity tremendously since. In addition to hosting an annual convention, cities have begun hosting their own conventions as well. And yes, there’s a podcast. Covering a variety of topics, and presented by well-known and not-so-well-known brilliant minds, Ted Talks Daily provides listeners with engaging and inspirational content.

Wow in the World

This podcast, from NPR, is catered to young and adult podcast listeners. This is one of the reasons that new podcast listeners flock to it.  This podcast explores new science and technology in a playful yet educational way. It’s ideal for the drive to school and family road trips.

Making Sense with Sam Harris

A little bit of controversy, a little bit of exploration – what could be better? Neuroscientist and author Sam Harris discusses existential questions, morality, social media, and everything in between. The show is entertaining and thought-provoking, which attracts listeners who want a little bit of everything.

RISE Podcast

This is a podcast for those who consider themselves “doers.” Many people seek an intellectual experience when they listen to podcasts; RISE discusses tangible practices that anyone can adopt into their business or life. With so many people seeking less traditional personal development opportunities, it’s clear why this is a top podcast.

Attracting New Listeners Continues to Contribute to the Audio Boom

New listeners, to podcasts and other audio-based mediums, have created a demand for engaging and intellectual content.

As these top podcasts, and many others, continue to draw in new listeners, it’s important to keep in mind how they’ve affected and changed this quickly growing industry. As a new podcast listener, you’re a part of the revolution!  Luckily, all of these podcasts can be played on the easy-to-use podcast player app, NoteCast.